Sunday, April 7, 2013

Going Deep
Deep Throat was a pornographic film that was released in 1972 in theaters worldwide. The plot was simple enough: Linda Lovelace can't have an orgasm and after talks to her friend ,Helen, who suggests she visit a doctor. Upon examination, it is revealed that Linda wasn't having orgasms because her clitoris was located in her throat. In order to achieve an orgasm, Linda would have to perform oral sex or "deep throat" on various men. The film ends with the line "The End. And Deep Throat to you all."
The film and its popularity pointed to a coming revolution: a sexual revolution.  Before the advent of Deep Throat, pornographic films represented a small market in the film industry and catered to a small audience. However, Deep Throat showed that “Americans of all walks of life would pay to participate--- at least vicariously--- in the much talked about sexual revolution.”[1] Deep Throat was the first feature film to focus, put express the importance of a woman’s sexual gratification.
This film coupled with Betty Friedan’s Feminine Mystique encouraged women to embrace their sexuality and the joys of sex and with that notice many women also embraced a revolution.

[1] David Allyn, Make Love, Not War: The Sexual Revolution : An Unfettered History
Robert Griffith and Paula Baker, Major Problems in American History Since 1945

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